Jonathan Richman – I am straight

Sollte es noch irgend eines Beweises benötigen, dass  Jonathan Richman ein ganz wunderbarer Geschichtenerzähler ist, der sollte sich einfach folgenden Song anhören.


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I, called this number three times already today.
But I got scared, I put it back in place.
(I put my phone back in place)
I sure don’t know if I should have called up.
Look just tell me if I’m out of place.

‚Cause here’s your chance to make me feel awkward.
And wish that I had never even called up this place.
I saw you though today, you know walk by with Hippie Johnny.
I had to call up and say, how I want to take his place.

So this phone call today concerns Hippie Johnny.
He’s always stoned. He’s never straight.
I saw you today, you know walk by with Hippie Johnny.
Look, I had to call up to say, how I want to take his place.

See, he’s stoned.
Hippie Johnny.
Now get this, I’m Straight, and I want to take his place.
Now look, I like him too.
(I like him…)
Hippie Johnny.
But I’m Straight, and I want to take his place.
I’m Straight.
I said I’m Straight.
I’m proud to say…
Well, I’m Straight and I want to take his place.

Now I’ve watched you, walk around here. I’ve watched you meet.
With boyfriends(I know) and you tell me how they’re deep.
Look but, I think… If these guys, if they’re really so great,
Tell me why can’t they at least take this place and make it straight?

Why always stoned,
Like Hippie Johnny is?
I’m straight, and I want to take his place.
I’m certainley not stoned,
Like Hippie Johnny is.
I’m Straight, and I want to take his place.
I’m Straight.
I said I’m Straight.
I’m Straight, and I want to…
(Alright, all you Modern Lovers, What is it?)

I’m Straight!
(Tell the world now).
I’m Straight!
(That’s it).
I’m Straight!
I’m Straight, and I want to take his place.

Eine Antwort auf „Jonathan Richman – I am straight“

  1. felt that Jonathan Richman was deserving of his „critics‘ darling“ status and stated that „by cutting through the vaguely protesty ambience of so-called rock culture he opens the way for a worldliness that is specific, realistic, and genuinely critical.“

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